Product line

Our product line offers a huge variety of all throughout the market available and high-quality...

  • offset umbrellas
  • market umbrellas
  • wood umbrellas
  • balcony umbrellas
  • all-weather umbrellas
  • special designs as e.g. the awning boom
  • dimensions: from 2m to 11m
  • shapes: round, square, rectangle
  • tested with a windspeed of up to 130km/h

Wir haben uns bewusst für eine Auswahl an Herstellern entschieden, die jeweils als Martkführer für ihren Bereich gelten:

  • Glatz - the Swiss manufacturer is considered as the inventor of offset umbrellas
  • Zangenberg as an expert for market umbrellas from 3m to 5m
  • Weishäupel - the German producer of wood umbrellas
  • BaHaMa Jumbrella is known around the world for market umbrellas with the highest possible quality